Voice Alive Music Studio – Voice and Singing Instruction in Nanaimo
Copyright 2010 Voice Alive Nanaimo - Vocal and Singing Lessons
Spring Recital 2019 - Isaac McPherson, accompanist Donna Falconer, Christine McMahon, Lilu Scott, Sophie Horvath, Limin Yu, Sarah Luedke
Voice Alive Music Studio is
centrally located in Nanaimo, BC. Students of all ages and experience
are welcome and warmly encouraged. Whether your intent is to improve
your speaking voice, perform with a choir or band, pursue a career in
music, or take singing lessons simply for your own pleasure or personal
growth, voice teacher Christine McMahon can help you learn to express
yourself with freedom and confidence. Christine teaches how to find
one’s own free and vibrant voice rooted deeply in the body. She focuses
on proper breath support and control, as well as musicality, and her
voice lessons are delivered in the spirit of fun and playful discovery.
Christine teaches a variety of musical genres, and specializes in vocal
coaching of the classical and musical theatre repertoire. Her extensive
operatic and pedagogic training gives her the ability to impart a solid foundation
of healthy vocal technique to her students
regardless of the style they sing. She will help you develop your
acting skills and find the character of a song through a deep
connection to the text.
Christine has successfully prepared students
for over fifty Royal Conservatory of Music exams from the Gr. 3 - Gr.
10 level, and six times her students have received Gold Medals for
highest marks in B.C. in RCM voice exams. She has had many award
winning students in the Upper Island and BC Provincial Music Festivals
and several have pursued degrees and/or music careers.
The Voice Alive Music Studio program offers
three performance opportunities during the year to enable students to
gain experience singing in front of an audience: a master-class in
November, a Spring Recital in February, and a Year-End Recital in June.
"Come, sing now, sing; for I know you sing well; I see you have a singing face".
~ Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Wild Goose Chase (act II, 2)